About Miha Flisek

Founder | Engineer | Racket Technician

Hi, my name is Miha, and I like tennis (among other things of course). I also have a passion for learning and understanding everything around me. From technology, personal relations, psychology and society, to the game of tennis. Pursuing a career as a mechanical engineer (currently working on my master's degree studies), gave me a new mindset, a new way of perceiving the world around me, if you will.

I’ve been playing tennis since I can remember, but I’ve never been fortunate enough to be able to play it professionally. After high school I got more into tennis, watching it, being a part of the online community on forums and playing it of course. I always strive to improve every day in everything I do. I saw an opportunity to improve on my tennis when I’m off the court or not in a gym – racket modification. In the recent years, I’ve done a lot of research, experimenting, collecting data about rackets, strings, pro players and so on. I’ve learned a lot and tried just about everything, when I slowly started seeing the big picture behind the game of tennis, and understanding it beyond the two athletes running around the court and hitting the ball. In this time, my game improved drastically and mostly because I was getting closer and closer to knowing what kind of game I want to play, what I’m capable of and what racket specs will complement my game the most. Looking back today, I wish I knew when I started my journey, what I know today. I want to share and help players, amateurs and professionals, to benefit from this knowledge and play better tennis while also enjoying it more.
For this reason I’ve created Impacting tennis, where I hope to impact your perception of tennis.

About Urh KovaÄŤiÄŤ

Corespondend | Talent Agent | Manager

My name is Urh. I am keen into data analysis which is related to the field of my study (I’m currently enrolled in a master’s degree program in Finance and Business informatics) and helps me understand the not so obvious things in the world of sports, especially in football and tennis. I am constantly seeking opportunities for development and improvement, regardless of the area occupying my thoughts.

Tennis is an important part of my everyday life. Years ago, in the stage of my recreational tennis activity, I realized the rough outline of undiscovered potentials that can raise the level of both professional and amateur tennis players. Since then, I’ve seen significant “overnight” changes in quality of players with different skillsets and abilities. Later I realized that the vast majority of amateurs and semi-professionals plays with incorrect racket settings, which inhibits their game. You certainly do not need additional opponents on the court, sometimes only one is enough. I want to turn my equipment into my best friend on the court and would love to help all of you to do the same.